Programs for

The Pregnant Athlete Training Program
A well-rounded program for pregnancy with workouts for each week appropriate for your changing body
4 workouts per week (130+ workouts total)
36 weeks of programming
Workout calendar
Strength, metabolic conditioning, and endurance workouts
Demonstration videos for each movement
BONUS: At-Home Version Included
Equipment needed: You will want access to a full gym setup for this program.

The Pregnant Athlete At Home Program
The home based version of our popular gym program.
3-4 workouts per week (50+ workouts total)
32 weeks of programming
Workout calendar
Demonstration videos for each movement
BONUS: Glute bootcamp workout finishers
Equipment needed: Dumbbells, Resistance Band, Kettlebell
Program for

8 Week Postpartum Training Program
A rehab + strength program to help you rebuild postpartum.
3 Workouts per week
5 Bonus conditioning workouts
Detailed downloadable PDF guide
Demonstration videos for all exercises, including voiceover coaching
Overview coaching video on how to approach exercise in this chapter of fitness
Program for
General Strength & Conditioning

The Practice Brave Fitness Program
A monthly strength & conditioning program for before, between, and beyond babies.
30 Minute Workouts, 3 Days a week
Strength and Conditioning Workouts
Coaching Videos to help you adapt the program when managing diastasis, prolapse, or incontinence
App access via Train Heroic
Video demos for each exercise
Barbell or limited equipment programming included
Access to real-time coaching and a supportive community
Program for
Coaches & Practitioners

Pregnant & Postpartum Athleticism Coaching Certification
The Gold Standard, Evidence Based, Coaching Certification for Coaches + Practitioners who work with Pregnant + Postpartum Athletes
10 Coaching Modules
45 Day Suggested Completion Guide
30+ Expert Interviews
20+ Templates, Graphics, & Downloadable Resources
126 Page Printable Course Book
Dozens of Movement Demonstrations for Pregnancy & Postpartum
Active facebook Group for Ongoing Support and Collaborations